Thursday, February 25, 2010

Iron Girl Triathlon Training

Those who know me, know that I tend to get chilled rather easily. So it's no surprise that I took a break from triathlon training for the cold months. That break is over. It's not warm enough on the streets for regular biking, but Jason and I both need the extra time in the pool. If I had any doubt about it, our first swim proved the right of it.

Jason is a good swimmer. He knows how to swim. He's comfortable in the pool. But swimming long distance is different than messing around in the pool. It takes a few dips before you can breath comfortably at a steady pace.

It took me three swims my first year to get my stroke back. I thought that would be enough. But it didn't prepare me for the lake swim. I knew the visibility would bad, but knowing and experiencing are two different things. I wasn't expecting difficulties with the currents or the other swimmers.

Last year, I knew what to expect. I swam religiously every week with the group swim. I felt much more confident in my swim. The currents pushed me a bit, but I corrected my trajectory and stayed mostly on course. Although there were about a hundred more swimmers in my wave, I managed to navigate them with only a few incidents. All and all, I managed to shave over a minute off my time. Practice really made a difference.

This year, I'm hoping to shave another minute off my time. Which is another reason I wanted to start swimming so early in the year. So far, we're both off to a good start.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow in Columbus

Snow. In Columbus, GA. It was a bit wet, but it stuck to everything. Winkin didn't like the snow. Bert didn't either, but Winkin's picture was better.

Snow in the south is an experience, for the animals as well as the residents. Everything closed. Some waited for the storm to arrive, but they closed when the snow started falling. Many of my fellow residents panic at the thought of driving on the white stuff. They hurried home to batten down the hatches until the sky and ground cleared. And then there are those that took to the roads, tempting the fates by speeding or swerving onto the roadside.

Fear or trill, the snow was short lived, as it always is down here. Maybe next year we'll get snow that lasts for more than a day.